Top Benefits of a Clean Home You’ll See Right Away

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When you start cleaning your home, there are benefits you will notice right away. Start with one surface – your kitchen table, the top of the dryer or the counter in your bathroom – and you will see improvements right away. A clean house is more than just an idle goal. It affects your physical and mental health.

Top benefits of a clean home you'll see right away

Keep going and you will see all of these benefits in your clean space.

Mental Benefits of a Clean Home

Everyone wants to feel better. Whether you live in a cluttered environment or a clean one, it’s going to have an impact on your state of mind. When you start cleaning, your mental well-being will change as you move toward a tidy home. 

Checkout 7 Easy Steps to a Minimalist Morning Routine for a great, stress-free start to the day!

Motivation & Momentum

Commit to starting. All you have to do is five minutes. Or maybe you just have to empty the dishwasher. Start small and the sense of accomplishment can give you even more motivation to keep going. Once you’ve done one task, you may want to continue to do more. 

Five minutes every day is 35 minutes in a week. Or maybe your five minutes a day becomes ten minutes every day, then you have 300 minutes in a month. 

Momentum is powerful! Just start and on the days you feel momentum, you can do more! 

Someone decluttering their pantry
You’ll feel motivated to do more.

Less Procrastination

We are all guilty of procrastinating sometimes. We put off things we know we need to do for a hundred different reasons, but when we get into that habit and do it too often, it can affect our wellbeing. It can show up as anxiety, depression and poor impulse control.

It is so much easier when you don’t have to clean before you start what you actually want to do. Meal-planning or preparing supper in a tidy kitchen is much simpler than doing the same work in a kitchen with breakfast dishes and snack wrappers on your kitchen counter. (Moms of teens know!)

Less Stress

Living in a messy home where you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list (even that list in your head that isn’t written down) leads to increased stress levels. It feels out of control and leads your body to release more cortisol, that “fight or flight’ stress hormone. When your stress levels stay high for too long, your body gets used to it; that can cause inflammation and a weakened immune system.

By taking charge of your messy space, you can let go of that anxiety and move toward a cleaner home. When you have less stress, you may find your energy levels and mental clarity are better. 

Check out this post about Minimalist Lifestyle and Women’s Health: The Benefits

A cozy autumn scene with a book, warm blanket, and cookies for a relaxing reading atmosphere.
You’ll feel more relaxed!

Physical Benefits of a Clean Home

The health benefits of a clean home are not strictly mental ones. Your physical wellbeing is impacted as well.

Fewer Respiratory Problems

Your regular cleaning routine improves your indoor air quality by preventing dust, pollen and allergens from building up throughout your entire home. If you or a family member has asthma symptoms or allergies, you probably know this one well. Health Canada explains how indoor air can benefit from having a clean home.

In the warmer months, your open windows (and maybe the air conditioning) keep things circulating. In the colder ones, your furnace is often the culprit that stirs and redistributes the pet dander and particles throughout your home. Remember to change those air filters on your furnace seasonally.

When it gets stale in my house, I notice it as soon as I walk into the house from outside. I know it’s time to open windows, dust and vacuum. 

Woman with closed eyes meditating indoors, symbolizing tranquility and focus. benefits clean home
Enjoy some fresh air!

Better sleep

While your body naturally does produce cortisol, it is highest in the early morning and declines through the day. When you are relaxed in a clean home and a clean bedroom, that state of relation promotes better sleep. 

Washing your bedding takes care of dirt, grime and bacteria. This is good not only for your breathing and getting rid of allergens, it is also good for your skin to prevent breakouts and skin irritations. Clean bed sheets are also more comfortable.

Increased Safety

None of us want to think of our small children putting something in their mouth they shouldn’t, nor do we want to think about aging and the possibility of trips or falls for ourselves or older adults in our homes. Hazards can be cleaned up and maintenance issues addressed promptly.

Cleaning is a key element to home safety. 

boxes and bags of decluttered things in a hallway
We want less to trip over

Fewer Illnesses

This might be the last change you notice in your home while you are getting into your regular clean routine. 

We all know during flu season (and back to school), there’s an emphasis on washing our hands to prevent the spread of flu (and cold) viruses. Within your home, that’s the high touch surfaces like door handles, light switches, buttons (think remote controls or game controllers), smartphones and charging cords. Doing the wipe down is one of those quick tasks that doesn’t take much time. 

Time Benefits of a Clean Home

All of us would like a sense of control over our time, especially with kids and a busy schedule. A cleaning schedule can help! 

Reduced Cleaning Time

When you see cleared surfaces, it’s a good reminder to put things away instead of leaving them out. When the dishwasher is already empty, it’s just as easy to put dirty dishes into the dishwasher as it is to pile them in the sink. 

When you are doing regular cleaning, you don’t have to do a big, deep cleaning as often. A counter that is wiped often doesn’t need to be scrubbed.

More Time (for the things you want to do!)

When your home is clean, you don’t have to sacrifice your one free evening this week (whenyou don’t have to take your kids to practice!) to clean the kitchen and bathrooms. You don’t get so sidetracked with a game of cupboard Tetris, trying to fit everything into that cupboard, that you lose that window of time you had planned to go for a walk. You have more time for yourself.

A group of friends enjoying a game of Uno, showcasing colorful cards and hands. benefits of clean home
You’ll have more time to spend having fun

Less Wasted Time Looking for Things

Every parent knows the nightmare of trying to get out the door for school or practice when their child can’t find it (insert the myriad of lost things here). In a clean home, your family members know where to put their things and where to find them. 

Less Time Wasted Stuff-Shuffling

When you clean, you understand what you use and what you don’t. You know what is just in the way and getting shuffled from place to place without a home. Decluttering becomes a regular habit because you can’t organize clutter. Less clutter is better.

Bonus Benefit: Save Money

We all like to save money!

In your clean and organized space, you know what you have so you don’t buy duplicates and you reduce the need to buy replacements for things damaged in crowded storage spots.

You also become more mindful about your shopping and bringing new things into your home that you have to find a place to store. 

Good cleaning habits and keeping your home tidy will pay you benefits in your mental and physical health as well as save you time and money. 

You don’t have to do it all at once, but get started with ten minutes today. Commit to working on it every day to build that good habit. You’ll start seeing those rewards right away. 

You’ve got this! 

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