Hey, I’m Robyn, your secret accountability buddy & enthusiast.
I empower women to shed the excess clutter, beliefs, habits, commitments and even (toxic) people so they can live a delightfully slower life!
Free Easy Decluttering Handbook!
The Minimalist Home Decluttering Handbook e-book is the best way to get a clutter-free home without the struggle. It helps you realize where to start and how to decide what to keep and what to throw away.
15 Inspiring Reasons to Start Decluttering Your Home Today
Let’s dive into some important and inspiring reasons to start decluttering your home! Everyone talks about decluttering and having too much clutter in their homes, garages, sheds, and, these days, offsite storage units. They read the blog posts and watch the Netflix shows. But talk is cheap, and someone has to start the decluttering process…
Fun & Easy 30-day Minimalism Decluttering Challenge & Game
Whether you are a minimalist, a devotee of Marie Kondo or just someone who would like their home to be a little more manageable 30 days from now, there is a great way to get you from here to the end of that month. You don’t have to adopt a minimalist lifestyle to play. You…
Autumn Closet and Wardrobe Declutter & Organization
As the weather cools off, it is the perfect time to shift your closet from summer clothes at your fingertips to warmer layers for the fall season. Join me in a fun new tradition: an autumn closet and wardrobe declutter and organization! Table of ContentsKonMari MethodWhere to Start & DeclutteringOrganizationStorage KonMari method Made famous by her…
OH HIii! I’M robyn!
I’m so happy you’re here!
I’m a mom, wife, nurse, blogger, YouTube creator, and decluttering coach!
I love helping women tame the chaos so they can thrive in a simplified life a home.
One of the biggest revelations in my life was when I noticed just HOW much my own home was dragging me down. It stressed me out.
So, I started decluttering and embraced minimalism lite, only keeping what we needed, used, or truly loved (like artwork).
OMiGosh, life is SO much better now!
I have peace, I don’t feel the pressure to clean CONSTANTLY. I can drink a cup of tea and just enjoy a quiet moment. I can spend the day in the garden and come into a (relatively) tidy home (I mean, I have 3 teen boys). I can RELAX!